爱以德老人之家坐落于 Petaling Jaya,是一所获得国家官方注册认证,独立运作的非盈利老人院。我们‘爱以德’老人之家秉着 “帮助别人,快乐自己” 的信念,为有困难或者无依靠的老人家们提供一个有瓦遮头的栖身之所,提供他们三餐温饱。

Pertubuhan Kebajikan Warga Emas Kenang Budi Kuala Lumpur or more known as “AiYiDe”, located in Petaling Jaya, is a non-profit organization (NPO) that has been officially registered and independently operates as an elders welfare center. We uphold the idea of “helping others and being happy”, sheltering the abandoned old folks with difficulties or no dependence.

Our History

成立于2018年10月,至今中心已经收留了 15 位老人家,而且人数还在增加中。


作为一所非营利性组织,爱以德老人之家的经费全靠社会善心大众与团体的捐助与帮忙。在这里,爱以德上下衷心感谢您们的付出。谢谢 ?

Established in October 2018, today AiYiDe has already accommodate 15 abandoned old folks and the number is still increasing.

Most elders cannot move well; some need to undergo treatment/ therapy frequently. Besides of taking care of them, we also arrange transport to send them to the hospital nearby.

As a NPO, AiYiDe’s funds are totally from the kindhearted public and companies/ groups. At here, we would like to thank you you all for your donations and helps. Thanksgiving ?

Service and Mission



In a harmonious society, we need everyone’s strength to sustain each other. AiYiDe call upon the public to join us and help the elders in need of more support. We welcome contributions and sponsorships from the community. With love and positivity, working together to create the harmony and caring society.



Caring like our Parents


Education Skills & Life Training


Bringing Joy, the Heart of the Medicine
健康饮食, 医药资助

健康饮食, 医药资助

Healthy Diet & Medical Support


Most people have drawn a good sign: healthy and intelligent, but we should care for those who are unfortunate enough to draw the bad sign.