Looi Ah Noi (美华姐), 87岁

Looi Ah Noi (美华姐), 87岁

糖尿病,中风,老人痴呆 Diabetes, Stroke, Alzheimer

She couldn’t move around after stroke attack. And now she’d been diagnozed suffering swelling sarcoma in her throat, and only able feed porridge and cereal. Looi’s husband was passed away, and her children just ignored her at all. Is her friend to send her here.

Ng Siew Lan (兰姐), 86岁

Ng Siew Lan (兰姐), 86岁

老人痴呆,乳癌导致眼耳问题 Alzheimer, Vision & Hearing problem (breast cancer)

She is an Alzheimer patient and she can’t see and hear well (side effects during breast cancer treatment). She has a young brother. However, she often ran away and was sent to police station. Plus her brother’s wife and daughter were unfortunately suffering cancer, he need to take care of them as well. Thus he forced to send her to us.

Thing Soo Ha, 78岁

Thing Soo Ha, 78岁

轻微中风,脑退化,四肢无力 Stroke, degenerative brain, weak limbs

Thing’s hands and legs are very weak and need help from others. But her families ignore her at all, did not give her a proper care. Her daughter-in-law busy with her own stall business, and thus had no choice but send Thing to AiYiDe old folk home.

Leong Hoong Hin (阿梁), 60岁

Leong Hoong Hin (阿梁), 60岁

中风 Stroke

Leong was treated in TungShin Hospital for 4 months due to stroke, but not much improvement. He discharged from the hospital b’coz not much savings anymore. However he is unable to work. Leong’s brothers have their own family, and he do not want to troubled them, so he ask his friends to find a nursing home.

Hon Choy Yin (六姐), 65岁

Hon Choy Yin (六姐), 65岁

严重肾病 Severe Kidney Disease

长年操劳工作加上饮食问题导致六姐患有严重肾病和血压过低症状。现在每天都需要吃药以及每个星期定时洗肾一两次。虽然还有 8 兄弟姐妹但都各有家室,正所谓 ‘长贫难顾’。曾经与妹妹住过一段时期,由于需要长期洗肾不想麻烦到他们家庭,所以就自行决定入住安老院。
Years of working hard and improper diet caused Hon suffering severe kidney disease and low blood pressure. Now she need to take medicine everyday and undergo kidney dialysis treatment 1~2 times per week. Her brothers and sisters all have their own family. Hon didn’t want to bother their family, thus she choose to come to our nursing care home.

Chan Po Oi, 81岁

Chan Po Oi, 81岁

血小板问题 Platelet problem

Chan used to stayed in a nursing home in Rawang. Since the policy change from free to monthly charges, She can’t afford, and have no choice but to quit out. Chan had few relatives and friends, and didn’t want to trouble them, and then she was referred to our Ai Yi De nursing home.

Chan Yoke Chun, 82岁

Chan Yoke Chun, 82岁

气喘,血压高,脚部肌肉萎缩导致不能走路 High blood pressure, Muscle atrophy on both leg

Chan had severe foot muscle atrophy due to poor health care management. She can’t walk, and need to sit on the armchair. Sleep, bath, #1#2 all need other’s help. Long-time sitting also leads to blood vessel blockage, which requires long-term physical therapy.

Lee Kim Fatt (阿发), 53岁

Lee Kim Fatt (阿发), 53岁

因糖尿病失去双脚 Lost both leg due to Diabetes

He has diabetes and high cholesterol, spending all his money, and lastly his feet being sawed. Although he has a brother and two sisters, but rarely contact. His sisters also have families and not afford to take care of him. They have no other choice but send him to AiYiDe.

八打灵 爱以德 是一所非盈利组织,一直以来都以“爱”出发,热心为社会的孤老们服务。今天,爱以德 已收留了 15 名孤老。每月的运作经费和日常用品消费是我们最为困扰的。所谓施比受更有福,愿您们得到最大的福恩与功德。

AiYiDe Petaling Jaya is a non-profit organization that has always uphold with “love” and is keen to serve the abandoned old folks in our society. Today, AiYiDe has accommodate 15 old folks. The monthly operating expenses and daily necessities are the most troublesome for us. To bless through giving in return to be blessed with happiness of good deeds.